Voices From the Darkness

OBSIDIAN Episode 31: "Voices From the Darkness" VIDEO by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the final video episode of "Voices From the Darkness," where the stars and creators are 7th Son fans from across this globe. Today's delightful episode was created by Dan Cohen and his family: Amanda, Danielle and Andrea. I can't think of a more lovely and humorous way to conclude the "Voices From the Darkness" video series. It looks like the lights will soon come back on.


OBSIDIAN Episode 30: "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the seventh -- and final -- official audio episode of Voices From the Darkness. You'll likely see a few more audio contributions in a "bootleg" episode down the road, but this the last audio "Voices..." presentation for OBSIDIAN. All of the audio in this episode was contributed anonymously by 7th Son fans around the globe. If you recognize your contribution in this episode, please contact J.C. and he'll include your credit in the shownotes here.

Coming up on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: More fan-created content -- and Eusocial Networking by Scott Sigler....

OBSIDIAN Episode 29: "Voices From the Darkness" VIDEO by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the eighth video episode of "Voices From the Darkness," where the stars and creators are 7th Son fans from across this globe. This is the third of a daily "triple play" of videos. There will be one final "Voices From the Darkness" episode later this week.

Today's fantastic episode was created by Dan Woodward and friends. Check out their work here and here.

OBSIDIAN Episode 28: "Voices From the Darkness" VIDEO (repost) by J.C. Hutchins


This is a fixed repost of OBSIDIAN episode 28. The video "froze" in the previous version of this episode, but has been fixed here. Please accept J.C.'s apologies for the inconvenience. Also, please see his note at the end of this post for another apology regarding another part of this vid.

Welcome to the seventh video episode of "Voices From the Darkness," where the stars and creators are 7th Son fans from across this globe. This is the second of a "triple play" of videos: tomorrow will see the release of the third -- and likely final -- "Voices From the Darkness" video episodes.

NOTE FROM J.C.: I had some serious issues with the video for this episode. In the process of troubleshooting, I swapped the order of two clips -- Geoff Schaadt's and Jeremiah McCoy's -- but neglected to change their order in the end credits. The credits list Jeremiah's clip as being "Scene Two" and Geoff's as "Scene Three." The video is inaccurate; those credits should be reversed. The correct credits are listed here in the shownotes.

Please accept my apologies, Jeremiah, Geoff and 7th Son viewers.

OBSIDIAN Episode 26: "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the sixth episode of Voices From the Darkness. All of the audio in this episode was contributed anonymously by 7th Son fans around the globe. If you recognize your contribution in this episode, please contact J.C. and he'll include your credit in the shownotes here.

Coming up on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: More fan-created content -- and Eusocial Networking by Scott Sigler....

OBSIDIAN Episode 22: "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the fifth audio episode of "Voices From The Darkness," a set of stories set during 7th Son: OBSIDIAN blackout. Voices From The Darkness is a series that is entirely created by you, and people just like you: 7S fans from across the globe.

I've been amazed by these contributions, and the experiment in fiction that they represent. Ultimately, VFTD reveals, at least to me, that a creator of a fictional world can successfully open up his universe for not just other authors -- which is what OBSIDIAN's short stories do -- but to fans, and receive world-class, world-building, universe-enhancing entertainment from them. VFTD is remarkable in that it proves that the membrane between audience and author isn't just flexible, it's downright breakable, and that the roles can be reversed in a way that everybody benefits.

I'm delighted to be a spectator for the OBSIDIAN experience -- for these episodes specifically -- and I'm proud of what you have created here. And so, let's turn the lights off, and once again dive into the calls from the blackout. Behold, the world that you and your fellow fans have created: a world where, when the power fails, chaos reigns...


Note: I will post contributors' names and links in this entry next week, after return from Dragon*Con. Thanks for your patience!

OBSIDIAN Episode 16: "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the fourth audio episode of "Voices from the Darkness," a series of OBSIDIAN episodes that feature stories from 7th Son fans from around the world. These tales are the first of their kind anywhere in podcasting: J.C. Hutchins invited fans to imagine themselves as residents of the 7th Son universe -- and to share their stories of survival and horror for inclusion in this anthology.

This week sees the release of Love Thy Neighbor, written by J.C.'s Myxer.com co-worker and friend Jeffrey Sass. Jeff has written and produced for both film and television, with projects ranging from nationally-syndicated childrens' programming to classic Troma films such as Sgt. Kabukiman, NYPD. Jeff has also collaborated with William Shatner for a PC game based on Shatner's TekWar novel series.

If you enjoyed this tale, send Jeff Sass and email at jwsass@gmail.com. You can also learn more about him at Sassholes.Blogspot.com and SocialNetworkingRehab.Blogspot.com.

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: The fourth episode in the "Voices From the Darkness" video series!

OBSIDIAN: Episode 13 "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the third audio episode of "Voices From the Darkness." This week features nearly one dozen contributions from 7th Son fans across the globe. As you'll hear in this episode, America has become an even darker -- and more dangerous -- place as the OBSIDIAN blackout rolls on.

If you're a contributor to this episode and want credit for your work, send J.C. an email using the link below.


Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).

OBSIDIAN: Episode 8 "Voices From the Darkness" by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the second audio episode of "Voices From the Darkness." This week's presentation features only one recording, but it's a chiller. It's the OBSIDIAN blackout, as seen through the eyes of ham radio operators across the nation. Sometimes it's not the news you see that's horrifying ... it's the news you hear. This week's masterpiece of audio, complete with authentic slang, created by 7th Son fan Mark Smith.

If you want to contribute to future episodes of “Voices from the Darkness,” time is growing short. You have until July 7, 2008 to call the National Blackout Emergency Hotline at 206-222-9158 and leave a message as if you are a victim in this blackout. Remember: J.C. is not looking for traditional short stories — your call must adhere to the conceit that the blackout is real, and you are experiencing it now.

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: The second episode of the video installment of "Voices From the Darkness."

Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).

OBSIDIAN: Episode 6 by J.C. Hutchins


Week Two of 7th Son: OBSIDIAN content begins in earnest with He Sees In Shadows, a short story written by New York Times bestselling novelist Michael A. Stackpole. The OBSIDIAN blackout is in full swing in this episode, and a special breed of madman is on the loose, out there, in the darkness. But who is more insane: the hunter ... or the man hunting him? If you enjoyed Mike's story, be sure to check out his other work -- and send him an email -- at StormWolf.com.

J.C. covers some important announcements in this episode's "talky talk" intro and outro, including:

  • An update on John Alpha's presidential campaign
  • Information about the OBSIDIAN "Voices From the Darkness" episodes, and how you can contribute. Call 206-222-9158 to leave your audio mark in the 7th Son universe, or record video footage and email it to J.C. Click here for submission guidelines. Deadline for this content is July 7, 2008.
  • Find "sneak peek" video footage from "Voices From the Darkness" contributors at J.C.'s YouTube channel. (More will be released soon!)
  • Information about 7th Son: Runner, J.C.'s serialized "cell phone-centric" text story that will debut next week. Click here to learn how to obtain this OBSIDIAN text-only story!

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: a short-short story by Evo Terra. After that, more "Voices From The Darkness" episodes, quite possibly a brief Clone Line episode, and next week's short story, written by Mur Lafferty...


Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).

OBSIDIAN: Episode 5 "Voices From the Darkness" VIDEO by J.C. Hutchins


This episode marks the debut of the video series of "Voices From the Darkness." All contributions seen in this and future video "Voices" episodes were created by 7th Son fans from across the globe. What you'll see in the weeks ahead are brief glimpses into what the world of the 7th Son trilogy became during the blackout. This is first project of its kind in podcast fiction.

Witness the OBSIDIAN blackout victims' stories ... captured for all the world to see.

Contributions by:

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: A blood-chilling short story by New York Times bestselling novelist Michael A. Stackpole.

OBSIDIAN: Episode 4 “Voices From the Darkness” by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the debut of "Voices From the Darkness," a series of very special 7th Son: OBSIDIAN episodes created by 7th Son fans across the world. In this weekly series, you'll hear recordings from victims of the nationwide blackout described in OBSIDIAN ... created by people just like you. This is a first-ever in podcast fiction, and J.C. is thrilled to have such brilliant contributions to roll out in these episodes.

Turn out the lights and listen to what your friends and fellow fans have created. America has become a very dangerous place indeed.


Your orders for today: Check out the amazing "The Command Line" podcast by Thomas "Command Line" Gideon, and give a shoutout of appreciation to OBSIDIAN producer Shawn Bishop!

Do you want to contribute to future episodes of "Voices from the Darkness?" J.C. would love to have you play in his world. Call the National Blackout Emergency Hotline at 206-222-9158 and leave a message for him as if you are a victim in this blackout. J.C. isn't looking for traditional short stories -- your call must adhere to the conceit that the blackout is real, and you are experiencing it now.

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: The first episode of the video installment of "Voices From the Darkness!"

Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).