Interview for a Wizard

OBSIDIAN Episode 14 by J.C. Hutchins


This week's OBSIDIAN short story episode begins with a much-chagrined J.C. pleading for your help to make nice-nice with the Podcasting Karma Gods. Why? Well, he totally blew a promise to fellow podcaster Guy David to promote Guy's ultra-cool OBSIDIAN-inspired "Night Guy" podcast episode. So please -- after you listen to this episode of OBSIDIAN -- check out Guy David's blackout version of The Night Guy.

On to this week's short story, titled Nemesis, written and narrated by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff. This is the first part of an epic suspense-filled novellette; its conclusion will debut next week. If you like what you hear, be sure to email Mark and tell him so. You can find Mark's contact information at

In J.C.'s intro "talky talk," he (doesn't) pimp:

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: An incredible and poignant contribution from "The Bitterest Pill" creator Dan Klass, more "Voices from the Darkness" episodes, and -- if J.C. can get his shit together -- an OBSIDIAN Clone Line episode.


Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).