julien smith

Get This Book: Julien Smith's "The Flinch" by J.C. Hutchins

Ah. You're here! Awesome. Make yourself at home. Take a load off. Put your feet up on my digital coffee table. Fire up the XBox. Hell, drink straight from the milk carton. Mi casa es su casa, right? Get really comfy, at least for a few paragraphs. Enjoy it while you can. Because the mind-wracking anxiety and discomfort will come soon enough ... and trust me: that's a good thing.

I want you to meet somebody I appreciate and admire. Dude's name is Julien Smith. I've followed his work for years. He updates his blog in hurricane bursts of creativity, intensity and razor-sharp insight -- often writing about how this titanic Internet thing affects how we perceive and interact with the world. He's co-host (with other whip-smart folk) on a podcast that, at its core, explores the topic of how we communicate online. Well beyond the social media nerdsphere, he's best known as the New York Times bestselling co-author of Trust Agents, the most resonant book about online relationship-building I've ever read.

But Julien's no Social Media Douchebag™. He's always been smarter, and always soared higher, than those buzzword-squawking parrots. Julien seems to strive for authenticity in nearly everything he does. This is a man who has no patience for excuses, and even less for bullshit. He's not an angry man. He's honest -- honest in a way that slices through the blubbery, blubbering excuses so many of us use to rationalize the fundamental dissatisfaction in our lives.

Which brings me to mind-wracking anxiety and discomfort ... and The Flinch.

The Flinch is Julien's new ebook. It was released today over at Amazon. The Flinch is a brisk read; you'll tear through it in an hour or so. And it's FREE, and always will be. Go to Amazon and get your copy right now.

I know you didn't click that link. You're still here. That's cool. But know that what I say next, I say with absolute certainty:

You need to read this book.

I have absolute confidence making that proclamation because I needed to read this book. See, I am haunted and held captive by something Julien calls "the flinch" -- the self-preserving flight instinct in the famous fight or flight equation. Here's the rub: You're haunted by the flinch, too. Julien explains:

The flinch is your real opponent, and information won't help you fight it. It's behind every unhappy marriage, every hidden vice, and every unfulfilled life. Behind the flinch is pain avoidance, and dealing with pain demands strength you may not think you have. ... Behind every act you're unable to do, fear of the flinch is there, like a puppet master, steering you off course.

Everyone is haunted by the flinch. "It's a reaction that brings up old memories and haunts you with them," Julien writes. "It tightens your chest and makes you want to run. It does whatever it must do to prevent you from moving forward. ... Whatever form it takes, the flinch is there to support the status quo."

Can you accurately count the times in your life when that chest-tightening fear overpowered your desire to change -- to surge beyond the doldrums of Status Quo? I can't. Hell, I can't accurately count those instances in my current daily life. Oh, all the things I pine to do! Oh, all the things I postpone because I know exactly what to tell myself to rationalize my fear-soaked cowardice. When I stop squinting and honestly examine my life, I see that I'm surrounded by the flinch.

I bet when you stop squinting, you'll see the flinch everywhere too.

Julien's thoughtful, zero-bullshit, examination of this fear is well worth the download and read. The very fact he was able to give such a powerful force an instantly-recognizable name is worthy of your peepers, too. But let's not kid ourselves: Naming a fear makes it easier to identify and discuss ... but calling something "the flinch" doesn't provide much backbone in overcoming it.

Thankfully, that's what the rest of Julien's ebook is about.

I dare not reveal the steps Julien suggests to address and rise above the primal fear of the flinch ... or the simple yet revelatory "homework" assignments he gives readers. That stuff, you can easily discover on your own. However, I will promise that by reading The Flinch, you'll learn something about yourself ... and you might see that you have far more gumption than you ever imagined.

The Flinch isn't a brutal book, but it does challenge you to toughen up, glare at the opponent inside you, and step into a boxing ring to take care of some serious fucking business. As Julien writes:

In a fight, there is a fundamental difference between boxers and everyone else. The guys who have trained are different. If you hit them, they don’t flinch. It takes practice to get there, but if you want to fight, you have no choice. It’s the only way to win.

Which is why you must get brave, and acknowledge the mind-wracking anxiety and discomfort -- the flinch. It's why you need to read this book.


"In the Nick of Time" - Free 300+ Page Holiday Sampler of Bestselling Books! by J.C. Hutchins

Books make terrific holiday gifts, but finding those perfect books for friends and family is always a challenge. If only we could flip through those books’ pages on our schedule. If only if the bookstore could come to us.
That’s the idea behind this In the Nick of Time! holiday sampler PDF. Inside are excerpts from a dozen new novels and nonfiction books by New York Times bestselling authors, successful entrepreneurs, and wickedly talented storytellers, including:
Laurell K. Hamilton -- Divine Misdemeanors
Seth Godin -- Tribes and an exclusive excerpt of Linchpin, out next year
Joseph Finder -- Vanished
Cory Doctorow -- Makers
Chris Brogan & Julien Smith -- Trust Agents
Robert J. Sawyer -- Wake
Mitch Joel - Six Pixels of Separation
Cherie Priest -- Boneshaker
Tara Hunt -- The Whuffie Factor
Scott Sigler -- The Rookie
Seth Harwood -- Jack Wakes Up
J.C. Hutchins -- 7th Son: Descent
If you spot a great gift opportunity, you can order from online retailers directly from the PDF. You can also print the order form at the end of the document, and present it to your local bookseller. Helpful staff will find what you’re looking for.
From high adventure to savvy business advice, you’ll find something special for the special someones on your holiday list -- including you. You're also welcome to share this free sampler with friends and family. Refer them to this web page to download In the Nick of Time! -- http://JCHutchins.net/hoy .

I'm delighted by this project, which I coordinated -- and am honored to have worked with the amazing authors who participated...

Books make terrific holiday gifts, but finding perfect books for friends and family can be a time-consuming challenge. If only if the bookstore could come to us.

That’s the idea behind this In the Nick of Time! holiday sampler PDF. Inside are excerpts from a dozen new novels and nonfiction books by these New York Times bestselling authors, successful entrepreneurs, and wickedly talented storytellers:


Spot a great gift opportunity? Order from online retailers directly from the PDF, or print the order form at the end of the document and present it to your local bookseller. Helpful staff will find what you’re looking for.

From high adventure to savvy business advice, you’ll find something special for the special someones on your holiday list -- including you. You're also welcome to share this free sampler with friends and family.

Click here to download the In The Nick of Time! holiday sampler -- and have the happiest of holidays!

HEY, EVERYBODY #024: Chris Brogan by J.C. Hutchins

In this episode of Hey, Everybody!, J.C. chats with blogger/new media ninja Chris Brogan about Trust Agents, the book Chris recently co-authored with Julien Smith (another new media badass). It's a terrific conversation, and in addition to sharing some terrific insights from the book, Chris more than proves his geek cred, as he makes nerd-pleasing pop culture references to icons such as...

  • Dungeons & Dragons
  • The Matrix
  • Soylent Green
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Video gaming
  • And more, including a hat-tip to Limp Bizkit, just for shock and awe

In short, Chris Brogan is one of us, peeps. He speaks YOUR language. Enjoy the interview!

NOTE: As J.C. explains in the episode intro, the interview's audio quality is ... troubled. Hutch did the very best he could to remove as much distortion from his side of the conversation as possible.

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site, Ninja2009.com.

On trust, Chris Brogan and Julien Smith by J.C. Hutchins

Long before I met Chris Brogan, I felt like I knew the guy. I'd read his blog for years, and followed his tweetstream. I interviewed him for my podcast. At every turn, the man appeared genuinely enthusiastic about the wild, blossoming frontier of social media, and -- more important -- genuinely enthusiastic in hearing what others had to say about it. I finally met him at South By Southwest 2008, and the dude was as kindhearted and enthusiastic in person as he is online. I shook hands with a dozen-dozen social media "superstars" that weekend, and Chris was one of only three who treated me as more than another damned hand to shake. There's a difference between being confident and drinking your own Kool-Aid; Chris Brogan is a sterling example of the former.

Through his experience, ever-growing expertise (and willingness to share that expertise) and good humor, Chris Brogan earned my trust. What he says has value, and he made it clear to me and thousands more that what we say has value to him.

Trust -- more than the dollar, the yen, or the euro -- is the world's most important currency. Without it, productive relationships and transactions simply cannot happen. Without it, there is no valuable "signal" to what people say, or to the products they offer. There is only brain-wracking noise.

Chris wrote a book with Julien Smith. It's called Trust Agents. It was released in bookstores today. It's about using social networks to help businesses succeed ... though I'm certain its core principles of trust-building can be applied well beyond the cubicle. I haven't read a word of the book, but I've already purchased two copies (one for me, and one for my employer), and will likely buy more in the weeks ahead.

You may not know Chris and Julien's work, but you know and probably trust me ... and you know that I rarely share such earnest endorsements. I'm no sycophant; I'm a person who quests for rational, relevant, resonant information. For years, Chris and Julien have delivered, and I trust they have delivered in this book.

Purchase a copy of Trust Agents. Help support the work of Chris and Julien. You'll learn something about the priceless value of trust, from two people who have earned mine.
