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By Executive Order 12919: Martial Law is in effect for the United States and its territories... Stay in your homes... Your government is in control...

Behold, the first of fourteen collectible 7th Son: OBSIDIAN propaganda posters!

Now you can bring a piece of the nationwide OBSIDIAN blackout into YOUR world with these propaganda posters! These high-resolution printable posters -- which would appear in the 7th Son Universe during the blackout -- reveal the horrifying circumstances in the U.S. during OBSIDIAN. Martial law has been declared. Looting is rampant. Chaos reigns.


Only one of these posters is available here at JCHutchins.net. The rest roll out exclusively on thirteen other websites today, May 20. Each site will feature one poster design only. To collect them all, you must visit all thirteen other sites.

These thirteen participating sites feature world-class fiction, sci-fi and gaming news, reviews and music. They're the very best sources of online entertainment for 7th Son fans, and J.C. Hutchins endorses them as "must subscribe" content:

Which posters appear on what website? Ahh, that's a secret ... as is what time they're released today. J.C. Hutchins recommends that you subscribe to these sites' RSS/podcast feeds NOW. That way, and you can immediately enjoy the free killer content these sites provide, and know that their posters will automatically appear in your RSS reader or podcatcher when released.

It's part scavenger hunt, part "collect them all" trading card concept, part cross-promotion. So download all fourteen posters, expose yourself to some of the best entertainment on the web ... and of course, print the posters and display them proudly for all your friends and coworkers to see!

Spread the word. OBSIDIAN drops May 31st. When the power fails ... chaos reigns.