VIDEO: The Silver Case, Part Five / by J.C. Hutchins

It's the final episode in the Silver Case video series. Here, I share some parting thoughts about the mysterious case and its contents, and encourage viewers to further explore the website, and visit the sites of other Silver Case recipients. Newcomers: Here are links to Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four of this video series.

I also suggest you learn more about the Armacham mystery by reading ARGNet's coverage of the site debut, and the comprehensive (and very cool!) thread cooking over at

From the Unfiction forums, here is the list of other Silver Case recipients (and links to their posts about their involvement):

  • M. Fahey -- Mike Fahey at Kotaku (post)
  • A Birch -- Anthony Burch at Destructoid (post)
  • J. Ransom-Wiley -- James Ransom-Wiley at Joystiq (no post?)
  • S Sigler -- Scott Sigler (SciFi / Horror Podcaster, former True Blood recipient) -- post
  • JC Hutchins at (Personal Effects author, SciFi Podcaster, former True Blood Recipient) -- (post)
  • P. DeFranco -- Philip DeFranco (YouTube phenomenon, worked on "Hooking Up" w/ Jessica Rose from lg15) -- post
  • Z. Diaz -- Zadi Diaz -- Epic Fu (post)
  • S. Caramouch -- unidentified, but if real, his/her parents must have had a quirky sense of humor considering the definition of "scaramouch".

Enjoy the rest of the mystery, and kindly keep me in the loop if you discover something awesome!
