PDF Bonus: Matt Wallace's "Hath A Darkness" / by J.C. Hutchins


Behold, a holiday gift from author Matt Wallace and Rick Stringer, producer of the Variant Frequencies podcast: The echapbook "Hath A Darkness," set in Wallace's Failed Cities universe.

For the first time since concluding his groundbreaking podcast fiction saga, Wallace returns to the warped twin worlds he created with an all-new Failed Cities story. Featuring the characters that drove the original audio epic, and told, as always, in their own voices, THE FAILED CITIES: HATH A DARKNESS brings this unique storytelling style to the page for the first time, enhanced with original illustrations by Rick Stringer.

Please download, print, enjoy, and pass along this unique piece of the Failed Cities universe as a thank you for your continued support and enthusiastic participation in our podcast. And don't forget to revisit THE FAILED CITIES MONOLOGUES, collected in its entirety on Podiobooks.com...