
by J.C. Hutchins

If you're here thanks to a recent story in FANGORIA about my upcoming horror thriller novel Personal Effects: Dark Art, welcome! Dark Art represents an ambitious shift in storytelling: It combines the experience of a traditional novel with an Alternate Reality Game.

If you'd like to learn more about the book, visit my Personal Effects: Dark Art page. There, you'll snag a bit of info about the novel, and read reviews from horror novelists, screenwriters and directors, including...

Gore Verbinski, director of The Ring and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy “So compelling is the journey, … readers may scarcely recognize their own transformation from passive to active, as they pick up where the text subsides and become the protagonist.”

Daniel Myrick, co-writer/director of The Blair Witch Project “[Personal Effects: Dark Art] will linger in your thoughts, challenge your sense of self, and transform every benign shadow into something to fear.”

Patrick Lussier, director of My Bloody Valentine 3D “Don’t worry about the lap bar.  It won’t save you from screaming on this ride.”

...and more. We've got lots of pre-release content to roll out in the weeks ahead, so keep your eye on the blog. In the meantime learn more about the book, feel free to drop me a line with questions, and if you're up for a descent into bloody madness, pre-order Personal Effects: Dark Art!
