OBSIDIAN: Episode 11 VIDEO / by J.C. Hutchins


This week's OBSIDIAN short-short is slightly different -- which perfectly matches the sensibilities of its creator, the incomparable Soccergirl. For nearly as long as there's been podcasting, Soccergirl has been there, defying expectations and conventions ... and telling tales on her terms, normalcy be damned.

New media performance artist, skeptic, atheist, author, musician, (and super-spy, J.C. is convinced of it) and one of the first podcasters ever, Soccergirl has written, starred in and produced nearly 300 episodes of her popular audio and video podcast, "Soccergirl, Incorporated," reaching an audience of up to 80,000 worldwide.

Soccergirl has also appeared on Sirius satellite radio, television and terrestrial radio, and in various print publications including The New York Times and Wired Magazine. Soccergirl wrote, directed and starred in "The Soccergirl Second," a theatrical adaptation of her show (performed at The Brick Theater in New York City) and has just completed an absolutely brilliant book of short fiction and essays, forthcoming from Mevio Press.

If you enjoyed this small peek into the genius that is the "Soccergirl, Incorporated" experience, please visit SG's website at SoccergirlIncorporated.com, send her an appreciative email, and check out her other work. (Photo by Chris Marquant.)

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: J.C. takes us out of the blackout for another UltraCreatives interview with J.R. Blackwell, and then we dive back in with audio and video "Voices From the Darkness" episodes.

Feedback about OBSIDIAN is welcome and appreciated! Send J.C. an email, leave a comment below, or call the Clone Line at 206-984-2566 (CLONE).