LOL7thSon winners announced! (kthxbai) / by J.C. Hutchins


Greetings, loyal Agents of the Ministry! Natasha, our fearless Voice of the MOP, has returned from a long Moscow vacation to announce the five winners of the most recent Ministry mission, Operation LOL7thSon! While all of the participants created brilliant 7S-inspired LOL images, these five Agents crafted pictures so witty, even the humorless Natasha gave a chuckle.

Behold the five winners ... and their artwork! (Winners will receive emails from Natasha very soon!)

  • Isaac for "Jon Come Hom Plz..."
  • The Doctor for "Dere Iz No Clonz"
  • JR Merlin for "Im In Your Ministry Propagandering..."
  • MartynDarkly for "Kittyroy 2.0, Meh Is Everwhere"
  • Fried Geek for "This Town Is Teh Suck"

Also included in the gallery above are the cool prizes these Agents have won! GeekLabel T-shirts, MOP mugs and license plate borders ... even John Alpha's "How To Take Over the World" journal!

A big SPASIBA to all who entered the contest! And keep your ears peeled, Agents: a new MOP mission ... with the coolest capitalist swag yet ... is coming soon!
