this is life

Guest Post: A Message from Author Seth Harwood by J.C. Hutchins

Hey, everybody! I'd like to share some cool stuff concocted by one of my new media author pals, Seth Harwood. Seth's written a guest post that shares some deets about his recent successes, his incredible new (and free) content, and his plans to make a splash in the Amazon Kindle store with his latest ebook release Jack Palms II: This Is Life. Seth and I go way back, and I'm honored to share his great news with you.

Take it away, Seth!


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Hey Beta Clones,

Your boy here, Seth Harwood, dropping a line to let you know I’m back on the podcast scene with a new novel, a new special edition print book of Jack Palms II: This Is Life and a whole series of ebooks springing to life right around the corner.

But first and foremost, let’s get to what’s in it for you: more free crime fiction in the action/thriller genre as I present In Broad Daylight, my first story featuring FBI agent Jess Harding. Here she’s chasing a serial killer of young women across Alaska in a summer of 20-hour days. When she starts to realize that the killer knows as much about her as she does about him, it starts getting messy. Will she find him before he finds her?

I just put up episode six today and you can get them all here with my talk at or on without my big yap. I hope you’ll come on over and give this story a try. If you like thrillers, action movies, police procedurals or stuff by Sigler and Hutch, I think you’ll dig it. Listen as even Nathan Lowell gives it the thumbs up!

Next up I have a Kickstarter project that ends on Saturday at 9am Pacific, Noon eastern. This has been a wonderfully successful way to fund a lot of the projects I have coming up this winter in ebook-land and offers the chance to get special editions of This is Life in hardcover or paperback AND copies of lots more upcoming work. Time is short, so if you want, you must act soon.

And this brings me to my last point: my proposed domination of Amazon’s Kindle bestseller charts. I know, I know, but let’s at least try. This is Life is now available for Kindle at Amazon and B&N’s Nook! Picking one up at $2.99 will really help this podcaster get noticed by more ebook buyers and sell some product! If you want to support and don’t have a Kindle, no problem: you can download a Kindle App here for FREE and buy the book then.

That’s all from me then, clones! Thanks big time to J.C. for letting me post this piece and I hope to see you in your earbuds this fall! In Broad Daylight is waiting!
