liner notes

by J.C. Hutchins

Yesterday, I released 7th Son: The Soundtrack, nearly 30 minutes of classical music inspired by my 7th Son technothriller trilogy. If you haven't already, you oughta take a listen.

The terrific music was composed by University of Rhode Island student Brandon Winrich, a talented young man who's set his eyes on someday creating musical scores for films, TV shows and video games. If his 7th Son music is any indication, Brandon won't have a problem finding work after graduation.

In addition to providing a recording of that evening's performance, Brandon gave me some incredible liner notes, packed with comments and artistic insights about the creation of 7th Son: The Soundtrack, all written by him. He was keen to share his creative commentary with my audience. I was happy to oblige, and designed a downloadable PDF for you.

A link to these liner notes is below. If you've ever wanted a behind-the-scenes peek at a composer's creative process, you should check it out.
