Hell to Hell

UltraCreatives Interview #16: Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine by J.C. Hutchins


We'll soon dive back into 7th Son: OBSIDIAN, but it's time for another killer UltraCreatives interview, this one with novelists Tee Morris and Philippa "Pip" Ballantine. These authors have got a first-ever publishing promotion to talk about, as well as writing in the Fantasy genre, their love of history, and a lot more. In this terrific chat, Tee and Pip discuss their new promotion called "Double Trouble," and how you can help them make an impact at Amazon.com on August 8th. It's a double whammy of awesome.

Find Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine on the World Wide Everywhere:

J.C. serves up a teaser regarding future author announcements (free swag is coming!), and encourages folks to visit JohnAlphaForPresident.com to snag a free "John Alpha '08" bumper sticker...


Coming up tomorrow in the podcast feed: A fun OBSIDIAN short-short starring the cast of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd!