In Which I Introduce Myself / by J.C. Hutchins

It is my earnest hope that a mutual friend's tweet or Facebook post brought you here. I appreciate your curiosity for clicking that link -- and since I also appreciate your time, I'll be quick. I'm J.C. Hutchins. I'm a freelance storyteller. I'd like to work with you.

I write transmedia experiences, novels, screenplays and more, all for hire. My trilogy of technothriller novels, 7th Son, was optioned by Warner Bros in 2009.  A book I co-wrote, Personal Effects: Dark Art, is now in development as a Starz TV series.

My original stories have been enjoyed by tens of thousands of people in more than a dozen countries. My for-hire work has connected with hundreds of thousands. I continue to develop original IP, work with creators to expand new IP, and collaborate with agencies to enhance existing IP.

I also help craft multimedia marketing campaigns that create memorable connections between people and products. Most of these products were my own. Others were more high profile, such as toys (Nanovor) and television series (Discovery Channel's The Colony).

I've worked with pioneers in the transmedia storytelling space such as Jordan Weisman, and agencies that innovate branded storytelling experiences such as Campfire. I live to collaborate, rev it to the creative red-line when needed, and consider deadlines immovable objects.

Do you need a fleet-footed creator to help your company or client achieve its business goals? I might be able to help. Download my creative resume to see what I've been up to recently. If my skills and accomplishments ring your bell, toss my name in your Rolodex.

And please, introduce yourself. I'd love to learn more about you, and answer any questions you might have about me or my work.

Thanks again for your curiosity and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.