On the Horizon: THUNDERTAKER / by J.C. Hutchins

I can't rightly say if it'll be a full-on novel, novella, straight read or transmedia experience (like Personal Effects: Dark Art). Hell, it could jump over into screenplay territory by the time it's said and done. All I know is that I've wanted to write a Western for years, I've got a title, and I can hear the low-frequency rumble of a spiffy idea growling in my gut. Oh, and a cover. Because the stock photo was free at iStockphoto.com, and I had two hours to kill.

On May 1, I'll start working on THUNDERTAKER, the first story set in the universe I've created for The 33. The 33 is a cross-media project that I'd originally intended to release as a free fiction podcast last year. The world of The 33 will now likely be first seen in a series of ebooks. That's what THUNDERTAKER will probably become.

Truth is, I don't fully know what THUNDERTAKER will be by May's end, save for the fact that it'll be gruff, gritty and as nasty as razor wire. And for me, there's something delightful in not knowing what unholy mayhem will soon unfold.

I'll probably keep you in the loop as the story develops. Stay tuned ... and watch the horizon.
