Papa's Got A Brand New Bag / by J.C. Hutchins

Welcome to the new After using the same WordPress theme for nearly three years, I decided to spruce up the place. Same content, new look. There's plenty of tweaks to make -- that's what happens when you move into a new home; you lose some stuff in transit -- but I'm pretty happy with how things look. If you're reading this post on my website, you'll notice that the right sidebar has been stripped down to nigh-wordless simplicity, but still features lots of content to explore. (My new mantra: "Less talk. More action.") There are also some easy ways to find posts, pages and the like.

On individual posts like this one, there's plenty of ways to share my content, too. Just click those fancy icons on the left to share the love. And take a look-see: up in the navbar, there's several ways to connect with me via other social sites.

And hey, since you're here: If you like what I do, click that RSS logo to subscribe to my blog feed. You can read my stuff as soon as I post it.

Now that I've built the sucker, it's time to give it a test drive. Let the tweaking begin!
