Are you up for Mission 777? / by J.C. Hutchins

I just cooked up an utterly crazy idea, and want to see if you'll play along. It's called Mission 777. I'd love your feedback -- please sound off in the comments section...

What is Mission 777?

As you may know, my novel 7th Son: Descent was released on Oct. 27.  On that day, UK resident John Merlin participated in the Beta Clone Army Rewards Program, and wrangled the purchase of 100 copies (!!!) of 7th Son: Descent. In addition to his new status as an ultra-elite 7th Son fan, he also snags gobs of prizes -- and I'm flying to his England town to hang with him for a day. (!!!)

Would you like me to come to YOUR city and hang with YOU for a day? I know I do, and I want to give you the tools to make it happen. The best part: All proceeds go to a great cause.

Mission 777 requires seven brave Beta Clone Army volunteers. Like John Merlin, you'll be the ultra-elite, official 7th Son Ambassadors for a 7-city book tour, funded by me. People in your community -- or beyond -- will sponsor my tour stop by purchasing copies of 7th Son: Descent in your name. If you hit 100 copies, I'm flying to your city, wherever you are, and hanging with you and other local loyal Beta Clones.

Plus, for every copy sold, I'll donate $1 (the money I make on each book) to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity, which supports breast cancer awareness and research.

I'll do nearly all of the lifting: I'll create a website with the profiles of the seven volunteers (aka the Chosen 7), promote it, and manage the site and sponsorship purchases by you, your friends or others. Anyone in the world can sponsor one of the Chosen 7 with book purchases, which will add to their goal of 100. (Sadly, past purchases of 7th Son: Descent cannot count toward the Mission 777 initiative.)

You'll do your part by providing a face to the cause, and -- if you're up for it -- asking your community to help. I'm not seeing a nickel of profit from Mission 777; all money goes to charity. It's a fun way to get me to your town to meet you and your friends ... and sign a lot of books! :)

Will You Become One of the Chosen 7?

Right now, Mission 777 is just a dream; I won't pursue it unless I get seven hard-core dedicated fans who want me in their town, and are willing to put forth some effort to talk up Mission 777 in their local or online communities. I'll do my part by promoting Mission 777 and keeping the Beta Clone Army updated on your progress toward the 100 milestones. If you hit 100 copies purchased in your name, I'm coming to your town. No matter what, all cash goes to charity.

Does this idea work for you? Would you be willing to participate, either as one of the Chosen 7, or as a sponsor by purchasing Mission 777 copies of 7th Son: Descent? I won't know until you tell me.

Give me a shout in the comments. I would love to see the interest level for this, and make it happen if people dig it.
