BONUS: Second Life Podcaster Meetup interview with J.C. Hutchins / by J.C. Hutchins

My apologies to you amazing Beta Clones for not delivering a 7th Son: OBSIDIAN episode in nearly two weeks. Things have been ultra-hectic in these parts. What have I been up to? I put the final final edit of Personal Effects: Dark Art to bed, performed some "first reader" duties, wrote a short story for Mur Lafferty's Stories of the Third Wave podcast (watch for its release next week, narrated by me), and have been putting a treeemendous amount of time and sweat into my new pop culture blog project, MINE. That's in addition to concocting promotional plans for Dark Art, wooing authors for blurb quotes, sniffing for a film agent, doing a few more UltraCreatives interviews before the series concludes ... it goes on and on ...

But I'm still alive -- that counts for something, I hope -- and I wanted to deliver something cool (and hopefully) interesting in the podcast feed as I gear up for releasing the second half of 7th Son: OBSIDIAN.

I'm proud to present this, a recent interview I did with several podcasters and fans at Podcast Island in Second Life. Podcast Island is the awesome creation of Gary Leland, "Itazura," "Radar" and others at (Podcast Pickle is the very best place on the 'Net to learn about podcasting, and become part of an amazing community of 'casters and listeners.) Here, I was welcomed into an awesome "round table" style discussion, where anyone could ask me questions. The conversation started with us (appropriately enough) chatting about Second Life, but quickly veered into some fun, funny and deep territory.

The interview will soon be added to the Podcast Island Podcast feed.

This interview captures a lot of my perspectives on new media and podcasting, and reveals some details about my personal philosophies and life that I've never publicly shared before. It was a trememdous honor to chat with podcaster colleagues, and I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Expect the second half of 7th Son: OBSIDIAN to debut next week.
