OBSIDIAN Episode 16: "Voices From the Darkness" / by J.C. Hutchins


Welcome to the fourth audio episode of "Voices from the Darkness," a series of OBSIDIAN episodes that feature stories from 7th Son fans from around the world. These tales are the first of their kind anywhere in podcasting: J.C. Hutchins invited fans to imagine themselves as residents of the 7th Son universe -- and to share their stories of survival and horror for inclusion in this anthology.

This week sees the release of Love Thy Neighbor, written by J.C.'s Myxer.com co-worker and friend Jeffrey Sass. Jeff has written and produced for both film and television, with projects ranging from nationally-syndicated childrens' programming to classic Troma films such as Sgt. Kabukiman, NYPD. Jeff has also collaborated with William Shatner for a PC game based on Shatner's TekWar novel series.

If you enjoyed this tale, send Jeff Sass and email at jwsass@gmail.com. You can also learn more about him at Sassholes.Blogspot.com and SocialNetworkingRehab.Blogspot.com.

Coming up next on 7th Son: OBSIDIAN: The fourth episode in the "Voices From the Darkness" video series!