Yes! It appears that the bona-fide's presidential campaign transcends mere bumper stickers. Behold, an excerpt from Robert Romero's blog, in which he proclaims his loyalty to John Alpha in the upcoming U.S. election: John Alpha: A fitting name for a new beginning that is desperately needed in our country. John Alpha is a visionary with a grand outlook for our country. He feels that he can truly bring the United States to a place of respectability and honor. He is a man of many skills, traits, and dare I say, personalities. His personality is so powerful that it seems like he is more than one person at the same time.
Rock on! Read the full text of Robert's blog post here. And if YOU want to evangelize Alpha's cause, either visit to get your free bumper sticker, or just as cool, post a message of loyalty yourself on your blog, Twitter stream, Facebook or Myspace profiles! Be sure to email me your proclamation; I'll be sure to spread the word.
Thanks, Robert, for casting your vote for Alpha. "A" is for America!