Podcast: Interview with Christof Laputka, creator of "The Leviathan Chronicles" / by J.C. Hutchins

Today, J.C. chats with Christof Laputka, the visionary creator behind the The Leviathan Chronicles podcast fiction experience.

Christof took audio fiction to new heights (or depths, as Leviathan tells the story of warring factions of underwater immortals) with the first season of his stellarly-produced series. Says J.C.: It's the best-sounding podcast fiction experience available on the web, period.

Now, Christof and Leviathan is back with two special edition episodes, which are for sale. J.C. and Christof speak frankly about monetizing podcast fiction, the real-world challenges of creating such an ambitious project, and the creative philosophies fueling the series.

Plus, J.C. and Christof reveal exclusive clips from the two special edition stories!

Update: Please forgive J.C. for the abrupt ending of the episode; the last 10 seconds of the conversation are cut off. The only thing missing from the conversation is J.C. and Christof saying goodbye.

Sites mentioned in this episode:

The anthem for Hey, Everybody! is "Chip Away" by Jane's Addition, distributed freely via BitTorrent and the Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction tour site, Ninja2009.com.