I'm in NYC, ready to play FEAR 2 ... and you can watch LIVE! / by J.C. Hutchins

Fans of the Silver Case / FEAR 2 conspiracy, listen up: It's ALL TRUE. The Armacham Technologies Corporation is indeed hosting a mobile FEAR Lab experience in New York City today and tomorrow. The event, which debuts the new FEAR 2 video game, will be held from 11am to 7pm today (Saturday the 17th) and tomorrow (the 18th) at a GameStop store at 1282 Broadway.

How do I know this? Because I'm here, in the city, and will soon be playing the game on LIVE streaming internet video. In my last update of the Silver Case / FEAR 2 mystery, I showed you an invitation the Armacham company had sent me. I called the number, spoke to a Armacham agent named Violet, and confirmed my travel to NYC.

And now here I am, with a VIP ID Badge in-hand, ready to experience FEAR 2. Armacham generously provided travel and lodging, so I'm here on the company's dime. I've been asked to blog about my experience (which I'll do later today). Further, when I play the game at 3pm EST today, you can watch me on LIVE streaming video at this URL:


And while the on-site Armacham agents don't know this, I'll also be doing everything I can to glean information about the alleged genetic testing the company has been doing. If I learn anything, I'll help expose the Armacham company and its harmful (and illegal) experiments.

There have been some libelous allegations floating around the internet that I'm in NYC to assassinate New York Times bestselling novelist Scott Sigler. According to the beady-eyed Napoleon wannabe, he "discovered" a plot I'd devised to kill him while he was here, participating in the FEAR Lab event.

So frightened by this prospect, he chose to NOT attend the event, and instead sent Zombie, a blogger at ZombieGirlsOnline, in his place. The only thing worse than a coward is a Pokemon-sized coward. Scott, you're a paranoid.

And so, my scheme to whack the most annoying (and most cadaverous) writer in publishing has failed. Ah well. Looks like I'll have to deal with Zombie when she arrives at the FEAR Lab event.

SO! REMEMBER! Check out http://armacham.com/fearlab TODAY AT 3PM EST to watch me play the new FEAR 2 video game. If I learn anything more about Armacham's evil scheme, I'll let you know.
